Merchant Cash Advance
Advance Your Business with a Merchant Cash Advance
Rather than apply for a small business loan, you might be better off securing a merchant cash advance from 1st American Commercial Lending. You want your business to grow and expand, but you might not have the funds to put your plans into action. We are here to offer you the professional financial assistance that you need.
Fund Your Business Projects
Your cash advance will be against your merchant account of a limit up to $200,000 for each of your business locations. In most cases, these advances against all of your future credit card sales will be available within a week or so.
Merchant cash advances give businesses the ability to open additional business locations, further their advertising and marketing efforts, take care of inventory and any other tasks that require cash flow.
Advance Advantages
With 1st American Commercial Lending merchant cash advances:
There are no application fees to worry about
You don’t have to deal with closing costs
Your payments won’t be fixed
There is no equity loss
You have an advance that’s simple to pay back
Grow Your Business
If you have tried applying for a regular small business loan and were turned down, allow 1st American Commercial Lending to help put your business plans back on track. We want your business to succeed and grow just as much as you do, and we have the resources you need to do just that