Purchase Order Finance Professionals
When you need purchase order financing for domestic, export or import pre-sold merchandise production, you can get the assistance that you need from 1st American Commercial Lending. If you have been in the business industry for a while, then you are probably already aware that obtaining pre-sold merchandise can be one of a business’s biggest challenges. With us on your side, that challenge becomes one that you can easily overcome.
Our Many Areas of Expertise
1st American Commercial Lending has the resources necessary for production finance for business in process as well as Letters of Credit for domestic trade purchase, export and import transactions as well as a variety of other areas for trade finance.
We specialize in assisting wholesalers, resellers and distributors of manufactured products. You don’t even have to be a well-established business. We will be more than happy to work with newly opened businesses and those that don’t have very good profits. We are committed to doing all that we can to help you and your business to grow as much as possible.
Advantages of 1st American Commercial Lending Financing
There are several benefits to choosing 1st American Commercial Lending for your business financing needs. Specifically, for purchase orders we:
Give businesses the ability to thrive and flourish without the burden of mounting bank debt or having to sell equity
Improve market share
Make sure deliveries are made in a timely manner to our customers
Help companies to improve their profits through larger orders
For more information about business financing for purchase ordering, contact us today.
Bridge and Hard Money Loans
Bridge and Hard Money Loans
Bridge and Hard Money Loans With 1st American
If you do not have enough capital to launch your company’s next big project without outside assistance, but you are playing the waiting game for your loan to go through before you can move forward, you are needlessly delaying your business. There are loans designed to help bridge the gap between when your project is approved and when your permanent funding hits your bank account. Appropriately referred to as bridge loans, they are designed to be temporary in nature; repayment plans typically range from several weeks to a couple of years, depending on the business and the project.